Posts Tagged "Aspen"


Got Water?

A living creature can survive without food, but not so much without water. The same goes for your freshly planted trees and shrubs. So, the topic of the day? Water!!

This summers’ weather throughout the Rocky Mountain West can be summed up in two words, hot & dry.  One topic we cannot stress enough with our clients is the importance of maintaining a regular watering schedule.  A typical notion people have is that the previous winters’ snow pack will provide enough water for their trees to get them through the summer. Unless it is an abnormally wet summer, which is a rarity in the west, supplemental watering is a necessity for the health of your trees and shrubs. This is especially crucial for our clients in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and Colorado, where our environment is characterized as a dry climate zone.

When installing trees and shrubs, our #1 recommendation is to install an automated irrigation system to provide daily water management. A drip system for trees and shrubs is by far the most efficient method for distributing water to the root zone and also for water conservation, a precious commodity in this day and age.  Our conifer and deciduous trees and shrubs, whether on our farm or our installed throughout the Jackson Hole area, respond best when scheduled for daily, incremental watering.  Instead of one extended watering for an hour (or whatever your need may be), we find it better to water incrementally throughout the day, i.e. three 20 minute periods, morning, afternoon, and evening.  The water will be more efficiently absorbed and percolate deeper into the ground promoting a healthier tree and larger root system for hydration.

So, protect your landscape investment; quench your trees thirst and they will not only grow faster, but much healthier and happier!


What Is B&B?

When our residential homeowner clients, the majority residing in Jackson Hole, visit our tree farm in Teton Valley, they see for the first time the procedures involved in packaging a quality B&B, balled and burlap, tree product for delivery and installation.  We take great care and pride in our tree and landscape products and thought we would share the how’s and why’s to the uninitiated.

On our 200+ acres across two nursery’s in Teton Valley, ID, we have everything from tree and shrub seedlings to mature 20 ft. Evergreen Blue Spruce and Conifers, Aspens, Cottonwoods, Willows, to name a few.  Depending on the caliper of the tree, an appropriately sized tree spade (12” – 64” diameter) that is attached to an excavator is used to extract the proper amount of soil and root system to maintain the health of the tree.

Upon extraction the ball is tightly wrapped and pinned in burlap and then secured in a wire basket.  This tight B&B package will maintain the root and soil compaction, ensuring the health of the tree while staged on the farm prior to delivery and installation.  Beyond creating a package for transport, the B&B promotes healthier tree growth resulting from the pruned roots.

The trees and are now ready to be staged and mulched in uniform rows.  The mulch is used to reduce moisture evaporation as well as keeping the root ball at the appropriate temperature.  The rows are evenly spaced to encourage unobstructed growth and provide easy extraction for loading to transport.  The last component for the staged trees is the installation of an irrigation system to maintain proper soil moisture andballed and burlapped tree sustain the trees and shrubs health while above ground.

Please email or gives us a call to schedule a farm visit, we love to talk trees and provide ideas for your landscape designs!


Spring Digging Season Has Begun!

After a long winter here in Teton Valley, Idaho, our tree farm is finally clear of snow and the spring digging season has officially begun!  We at Trees Inc. go to great lengths to dig our trees with care and create a ‘package’ that is superior for the health of our trees and for shipping short and long distance.

The rich dark soils on our farm provide the perfect medium for digging with spades ranging from 12” to 64” with every root ball having 9 to 10 inches of soil for every caliper inch dug.  Also, our knowledgeable and efficient crew, who have been working with us for a number of years, understand the importance of creating a premium product for our clients.

The digging season is short;  just another week before the trees and shrubs start to leaf out, so please give us a call should you have any special orders or questions about our operations.




Happy Spring from all of us a Trees Inc.!