

Spring Digging Season Has Begun!

After a long winter here in Teton Valley, Idaho, our tree farm is finally clear of snow and the spring digging season has officially begun!  We at Trees Inc. go to great lengths to dig our trees with care and create a ‘package’ that is superior for the health of our trees and for shipping short and long distance.

The rich dark soils on our farm provide the perfect medium for digging with spades ranging from 12” to 64” with every root ball having 9 to 10 inches of soil for every caliper inch dug.  Also, our knowledgeable and efficient crew, who have been working with us for a number of years, understand the importance of creating a premium product for our clients.

The digging season is short;  just another week before the trees and shrubs start to leaf out, so please give us a call should you have any special orders or questions about our operations.




Happy Spring from all of us a Trees Inc.!

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